“The Heirs” has won a prestigious Award of Excellence and Award of Merit from The Impact DOCS Awards Competition. The award was given for Help Images exciting documentary, The Heirs which portraits a heart-warming look at an “illegal” neighborhood in Portugal that is being torn down and displacing its community of emigrants from Cape Verde – many have been there for decades. The competition judges commented, The Heirs features skillfully crafted narrative and potent interviews with a focus on fundamental truths and values shared by all humans.
“We are very happy with these awards because we believe they will be a relevant opportunity, at a national and international level, to make known our documentary “The Heirs” and the stories of its protagonists. It was always the main objective of this work and the promise we made to everyone who helped produce this film.”
Impact DOCS recognizes film, television, videography, and new media professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity and those who produce standout entertainment or contribute to profound social change.
Documentaries were received from 30 countries, including veteran award-winning filmmakers and fresh new talent. Entries were judged by highly qualified and award-winning professionals in the film and television industry.

In winning an Impact DOCS award, Help Images joins the ranks of other high-profile winners of this internationally respected award including the Oscar-winning director Louie Psihoyos for his 2016 Best of Show – Racing Extinction, Oscar winner Yael Melamede for (Dis)Honesty – The Truth About Lies, and Emmy Award winner Gerald Rafshoon for Endless Corridors narrated by Oscar winner Jeremy Irons, and many more.
Rick Prickett, who chairs Impact DOCS, had this to say about the latest winners,
“The judges and I were simply blown away by the variety and immensely important documentaries we screened. Impact DOCS is not an easy award to win. Entries are received from around the world from powerhouse companies to remarkable new talent. Impact DOCS helps set the standard for craft and creativity as well as power catalysts for global change. The goal of Impact DOCS is to help winners achieve the recognition they deserve for their dedication and work.”
To watch the full length documentary follow this Link : The Heirs – Documentary
To download Press Release follow this Link: The Heirs Press-kit
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