Escola Azul

On the World Oceans Day 2021, Blue School presented its community with this film that defines so well what we stand for and what this Blue School community (with students, teachers, local communities, partners and municipalities) truly represents. 

This film is for everyone who has come aboard this programme and that continues, every day, to fight for the Ocean.

  • Director and producer : Raquel Martins 
  • Director and DOP: Ricardo Nogueira
  • Camera assistant: Liliana Tábuas;
  • Production assistant: Mafalda Martins;
  • Runner: José Segura;
  • Audio Post- André do Audio – Fast Forward
  • Illustrations – Maria Reis Rocha

Blue School day

On World Ocean Day, Help Images joined the “Blue School” (Ministry of the Sea) and produced a film reminding us why the sea is so missed!

This film is just a drop from the authentic ocean of fantastic contributions that we received from the incredible community “Escola Azul” spread across Portuguese schools.

There Isn’t a Planet B!

What planet do we want to live on today, 10, 30, 100 years from now?
We believe that we all want to be present in a responsible, healthy and sustainable future.
Now and ever, what we do today will impact tomorrow.
There is no time for us to wait for a plan B, alternative and
miraculous. The decision belongs to all of us and it has to be made today.


  • Directors and Producers: Ricardo Nogueira
 e Raquel Martins
  • Script: Help Images
  • Editing: Help Images
  • Motion Graphics: Light Film
  • Music:  Audio Jungle-“Animation Movie” by MusicRays
  • Audio Post: Fast Forward
  • Voice over: Nilton 

Scholarship Program – Cooperation

“Scholarship Program – Cooperation”, film produced regarding the reception ceremony for Portuguese Cooperation scholarship holders and the presentation of the new university scholarship program of Camões, I.P.

  • Production and direction: Ricardo Nogueira
 e Raquel Martins
  • DOP: Ricardo Nogueira
  • Camera assist: Liliana Tábuas e Mafalda Martins
  • Footage from Lisbon: Help Images
  • Sound: Paulo Cerveira
  • Footage from PALOP and Timor-Leste: RTP 
  • Video editing: Help Images
  • Arquive Footage: RTP
  • Sound Mix: Help Images & Fast Forward
  • Voice Over: José Neves 
  • Music: Audiojungle

AMI – Away from the shadow

At AMI (International Medical Assistance) social service centres and shelters those in need can find food, shelter, medical and home assistance, job hunting support and legal advice. But that’s not all; most importantly they can find the strength, the self-respect and the support they need to improve their lives in a kind and understanding environment, where they are always welcomed.

This short film reveals AMI’s work in Portugal through a day in the life of one man, who is at a point in time where he needs the assistance and support of social services. More than the services, this film is about humanity, giving special attention to relationships between the technical staff, the volunteers and the people who benefit from these services.

Produced & Directed by: Ricardo Nogueira & Raquel Martins
Production Manager: Teresa Leal
Script: Maria João Resende
DOP: Pedro Emauz
Sound recording: Francisco Almeida
Camera assistant: Lisa Persson
Gaffer: Padi
Ass Producer: Manuela Ribas & Sandra Bogalho
Accountant: Georgina Simões
Original Sound track: Marco Miranda (M-PEX)
Video Editing: Help Images
Sound Editing: Artur @ Skills studio
Motion Graphics: André @ Facilidades e Filmes
Color Grading: Paulo Américo
Still Photographer: Victor Santos
Grips & Light equipment by: Smiling
Camera: Gil Cabugueira
Lenses: Gripman
Sound: Filmebase
Smoke machine: Rui Alves